mad tea party.

11:17 AM sians 0 Comments

you know what makes my mornings?

 a free cup of argo tea's warm soy mate latte on a cold morning. it's almond-y, it's creamy, it's warm, it's comforting and it's YUMMY. what makes it a even better is the warm, bright sun . it's gonna be a high of 39F today! (that's 3 degrees celsius for the rest of the world that uses metric system - yeah beats me why the US uses farenheit)  it's actually the warmest it's been in the past week. now if i were good at photoshop, i'd photoshop my warm cup of mate latte in the warm morning sun and it would be a perfect photo. kinda like this except it would be better:

anywho, speaking of tea party, O-M-G the new alice in wonderland movie by tim burton is coming out soon! and by soon, i mean tomorrow :) i really want to watch that movie. i think it's been months since i watched a movie in a theater. ryan gets upset with me when i refuse to go to the movies but i am so going for this one! it's actually a sequel to the favorite classic story where in this story, a teenage alice returns to what-they-now-call underland (wonderland) but doesn't remember her first visit when she was a child. check out this cool movie trailer:

i am not quite sure behind the reason as to why i really want to watch it. maybe cos it's johnny depp.. maybe cos it's a tim burton movie.. maybe cos it looks colorful.. or maybe cos of this...

"i need a pig here."
*pig slides across the room, belly up*
"i love a warm pig belly for my aching feet!"
that scene made me lol-ed! OOOO...and they have it in 3D too. yummmy yum yum. rottentomatoes even gave it a 67% on their tomatometer which means it should be a pretty good watch. *squeal* i'm hoping to watch it this weekend so i might update on how great this movie is :)

btw i did mention that i was gonna write about david burke's primehouse but i am so excited about the movie that this had to come first! david burke's in the next one, i promise :D